What women want trailer Does

What women want trailer

Does it cost 1000 to make a Prada handbag? I think not. I agree with a few comments from HD owners, To say DVD is as good a picture as blu-ray is rediculous, Its like chalk and cheese with the right setup! And that is just it the right set up, Its not entirely blu-rays fault expensive or not, Most of the general public just havent made the switch yet to HDTV and a theatre surround sound, Thats the expensive part investing in a 1080p tv and sound setup. Why buy a blu ray player and movies when u aint got the tv to enjoy it. With prices for big 1080p tvs dropping fast and hitting the mass market it wont take long after that for the adoption of a HD player to add to there setup. I just recently went thirds with my oldies on a 52 Sony Bravia XBR1080p and 1 DTS Setup from a previous 55 Samsung rear projection800x600 resolution, Blu ray is absolutely spectacular regardless of the extra crap they throw onto discs that i never bother looking at. As for u porn freaks out thereme included let me just say its about as close as u can get insane quality, I actually like seeing the imperfections on the girls just like real life, Better than fuzzy/blurred out crap on dvd, Blu ray brings them back to reality real fast!: Its early days yet, I am fairly tech minded and buy the latest gear soon after release, So if others like me r only just making a switch then it will be a while before the general public jump onboard to blu-ray. I bought the PS3 for gaming, bought an HDTV for my Xbox 360 PS3 computer, I dont even have my cable box connected to the TV, as it runs through my standard TVs in all my rooms of my home. I really dont need HD for TV shows movies. I have an HD DVD player yes the movies look great, but to be honest with you I am fine wih standard DVDs, the only High def movie I bought was Transformers, got 5 free BRs with the PS3 7 free HD DVDs with the HD DVD player. With my 10 year old in private school, gas through the roof, mortgage, paying off student loans, car notes, I have had to take on a second job, I have a degree in Business management run a successful company, so if many are like me, there is no room for wasting on stuff like Blu Ray, not important at what women want trailer when you are trying to make the important ends meet. Another thing to think about, many keep comparing VHS to DVD when DVD exploded assumed the same would happen with BR, I dont see it cause DVD was so supperior to DVD in every aspect by a huge margin which to me is not the case for the everyday person when comparing DVD to BR, yes BR is about 5 or 6 times larger allows for HD, but most homes dont even have HDTVs or feel as though they need it. DVD is good enough for my eyes pockets, like I said the only reason I even bought the HDTV was to play my next gen consoles in HD. As for u porn freaks out thereme included let me just say its about as close as u can get insane quality, I actually like seeing the imperfections on the girls just like real life, I doubt anyone who would pay 30 for a porno DVD has seen a real woman naked in quite a while. Speaking personally, I wont drop hundreds of dollars into the Blueray market unless it is just a nice feature of another piece of electronics like a PS Why should I spend 300 on a BR player when all my movies are regular DVDs. Then I have to go out and re-buy any movies I already own just to get a better picture. And of course you can get a DVD for 10-20, but a BR disk costs about 10 more. I am normally an early adopter but in this case Ill wait until the BR players fall down to 1 It WILL happen, it will just take time. But I dont think you what women want trailer to rebuy your dvds to get them to play on the Blu-Ray Players, you just dont get all the fancy schmancy new If it wasnt for the PS3 there wouldnt be any blu-ray players out there. HD-DVD had just gotten to the price that would have been perfect for the consumers to start buying in mass when the movie studios killed it. Now the consumer is left with the option of buying a Blu Ray player for 99 and up, or once again, a PS3 for the same price. Wow, what a shocker people arent lineing up in droves for this deal. That this is an extremely price-sensitive market. Toshiba and the HD DVD camp understood this and were doing there best to drive down the cost to produce high-definition video hardware. Unfortunately the Sony marketing machine, and their shrewd decision to make the PS3 a Blu-Ray player right out of the box, was able to crush the competition before they were forced to lower their prices to remain competitive. I think Sony has greatly over-estimated the appeal of HD media to the average consumer.

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