Agoraphobic nosebleed despise you

Agoraphobic nosebleed despise you

Truly unlimited downloads. I share a connection with my brother, we easily consume about 120gb a month, no throttling. We only live a stones throw from the exchange too, so we regularly get a 24mb connection. Not that expensive either. could this mean new cinema displays as well? Pity that so few Macs support HDCP in their video cards, and the Cinema Displays sure as hell dont. i think there will be a big blue-event in january mwsf and apple will release macpro with bluray and also new ACDs with hdmi/hdcp. im praying for that can someone pls confirm, when will macbooks be out?? I am totally confused with these rumors, but how can u all say macbook is coming when apple have not even setup any ad or said abt macbooks in his keynotes?? And they have agoraphobic nosebleed despise you not made any announcement abt keynote oct 14? Yup, people predicting the imminent agoraphobic nosebleed despise you knell for Blu-Ray arent taking this into account, nor the number of people who want a huge number of instantly accessible films at their fingertips. Until you can pick up extremely cheap, 10tb hdds, Blu-Ray has a place. Pretty much guaranteed to be the last physical storage medium, but I think itll be around for a while. Streaming movies are already a reality. The only thing stopping streaming movies from becoming huge is the media companies. Theres already hulu, Apple TV, on-demand cable, and many others who already are streaming high quality movies on demand. can someone pls confirm, when will macbooks be out?? I am totally confused with these rumors, but how can u all say macbook is coming when apple have not even setup any ad or said abt macbooks in his keynotes?? And they have also not made any announcement abt keynote oct 14? Apple and Microsoft want the future to be HD downloads, not BluRay. Sony has lost this war, they just dont realize it yet. Not storing all your downloads on a harddrive. Blue Ray is here to stay until another physical media takes its place. Its called, storage, backup, many can you fit on a harddrive. ; Physical media will never go you surrender your rights to own and keep your own content. , your software, movies are all loaded on someone elses host boom its gone if you dont want to pay a monthly license fee. By the way, Blu ray support is long in the tooth apple should have added it years ago. ; Btw, I heartily recommend the ISP Be-Unlimited ran by BT. Truly unlimited downloads. BE is not owned by BT, it was a separate company until last year when it was taken over by O This is overdue by now, and Im guessing will be one of the 4-5 big announcements Steve Jobs makes during the Keynote at MWSF in January. 😀 could this mean new cinema displays as well? Oh God those things are so overdue/overpriced its not even funny. Really looking forward to this actually, accumulating a nice little BD library already. All the naysayers with the Bluray will be dead in five years! so will most of the hardware youre using right now that doesnt make it pointless. Personally Id say BD has a few years longer than that it has taken off and people want things that show off their HDTVs. Downloads currently arent as high quality and the storage issues arent trivial. Physical media is here to stay for a while at least.

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