Never say never again armin van buuren

Never say never again armin van buuren

Its Its going to blow you away. The reason we havent heard of it before is because the federal government destroyed documentation about it back in those times, but you cant erase family history and one of our black presidents cousin wrote a book about it. All Im saying is learn your true history black people so that we can teach our children their true only what they want us to know/believe. Tears of JOY! So you Jesus! I cried every time I saw that greeat man, Mr. Obama, on television. Its an amazing feeling! I am so proud and happy to witness this in my lifetime Yes we can and yes we did!!! YoureCuteButNotCuteEnough4MySalvation! Obama is going to the White House. And hes taking a black woman with him! What a man! The first black president. The first black first lady. this is sooooo major. im so proud 2 be black its about time we had a black president a change really was white EXPLETIVE wouldnt think black people are OBAMA!!! First off to all the people on here saying that Obama is NOT black, sit your ass down somewhere please. Okay we get the point hes Bi-Racial, do yall have to keep bringing that up??? I mean come on, somebody other than a white man just became president and all you can say is that hes Bi-Racial? You just can not live in the moment. Barack has embraced all of his bi-racial background. YEEEEAAAAA BABII BE THE CHANGE!!! OBAMA! OBAMA! OBAMA! WHOOO ALL THE LIL RACISTS REDNECKS CAN TAKE DEM RACISTS SIGNS AND SHOVE UP ALL UP IN THEY AZZ AND DEY CAN KISS OUR AZZES CUZ WE HERE BABY WE DID IT LOL WE DID IT BABII PLEAZ BELIEVE A CHANGE IS COMING! WHOOO MAN THINK ME AGE 15 ALMOST 16 ON THE 10TH GETS TO SEE A BLACK MAN LOVIN IT BABII!!!!! WHOOO LUV U OBAMA AND LUV DA FAM TOO!!!!! Ok, I dont want to hear anymore excuses from black people about why they cant make anything out of themselves. We have a black president, so we can do ANYTHING!!!! You cant blame THE MAN now cause THE MAN is black now!!!!! yea!! i knew he could do it. im sooo proud!!! OBAMA 08!!!!!IM SO GLAD 2 BE AN AMERICAN AND WHITE PPL PROLLY THOUGHT IT COULD NEVA HAPPEN DID!!WOOO OBAMA SPAM !!!!!THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES i know his speech last night touched everyones ur a McCain support then u have to get over ur bitterness, accept and understand that Obama is going to make a change for everyone and all yall white folks who dont want i guess u stuck with him 4 four mo years!! go obama i was sooooo excited!!! PPL NEED TO HUSH AND THINK THEY TEACHING SOMETHING AND NOT TEACHING THEMSELVES. OBAMA IS THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. IF U TALKING ABOUT HANSON AND THEM OTHER CATS, THAT WAS BEFORE AMERICA WAS UNITED STATES. IN FACT APPOINTED HANSON. SO STOP HATING AND DO SOMEMORE RESEARCH. correction showtime BLACK people voted for obama because he is BLACK AND we want change and because most of us are middle and lower middle class just like MOST of america is whites voted for mc cain because he is white, they never say never again armin van buuren want to see a brother in office and they think we are supposed to be at war forever This is something that has been said but only in different ways everywhere i have been today. The die hard McCain supporters or the people who feel that African Americans have no reason to be as excited as we are because Obama won the highest election in these here states only point out the fact that the black voters only voted for Obama because he was black. I have not ever once heard them say that they voted for McCain because of his political views. Again i will never say that Obama won this entire election because of black voters only. Anybody never say never again armin van buuren believes that is really and truly ignorant. People want so badly to bring this election to a black vs white thing but as you can clearly see by how he won those battle ground states and so quickly that it was more than just black america that voted Obama into office. THAT RIGHT THERE is where i am proud to be an american in the 21st century and not one stuck in the 19th and 20th century mentally. It shows that although there are still individuals in this country who will never get past race, the MAJORITY is saying ENOUGH!!! Bottom line is that this election would have gone down in history regardless of who was elected and because Obama won, some are just a wittle bit salty!!! John McCain gracefully even though i did not like him bowed out and vowed to help never say never again armin van buuren the country along with Barack Obama and his administration. If he can put aside his differences and work with him then everything else should cease and desist! Obama is the President Of The and he IS an African American and I am not only happy to be an American today but im also happy to be a Chicago citizen. CHI-TOWN STAND AS A WHOLE STAND UP!!!! it doesnt play even a role here this race case white people voted latinos blacks etc. well a speech says dont talk to early. i really wanna see what hes gonna i hope so OH YEAH AMERI-KKK-A WE OUT DEM MAFAKAZ STILL CANT BELIEVE DIS THE POWER OF VOTE WERE READY BEEN READY 4 CHANGE!!!! LETS GET IT!!! Im EXTREMELY EXCITED, for President Barack H. Obama! Im glad God blessed me, to see this day. Thank God for my Ancestor, for fighting for this day. I made sure I voted, and Im very pleased with myself. I hope Obama, dont let us down, well I dont think hell do that. No, we wont agree with everything he do, but hes not nearly as bad as Bush. Thats an insult to Obama. I shouldnt even compare the two. Oh how proud I was to hear that Barack Obama is the new President of the United States. When I heard the news I could not help but cry tears of extreme joy. I know there is going to be positive change from here until the end.

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